Peptisol Peptisol
Product Peptisol

fm%daàk w;HjYH;d ,nd §u i|ydu iqúfYaIfhkau ilia lrk ,o fm%daàk nyq, fmdaIK w;sf¾lhla f,i  —fmmaáfid,a ˜ yªkajd Èh yel . mYapd;a ffY,H ld, iSudfõ§ iy fndajk frda. mj;sk wjia:djkayS§ YÍrhg w;HjYH id¾j fmdaIH mod¾:hla f,i fm%daàk ye`Èkaúh yel.

—fmmaáfida,a˜ ys wvx.= fmdaIH mod¾: (

  • by< fm%daàk w.hka
  • fõ fm%daàk
  • úgñka j¾. 10 lska iy Lksc mod¾:hka 08 lska iïmQ¾K ù we;

Brands Info

Feature Benefit

úfYaI ,laIKh m%;s,dN
by< fm%daàk w.h ffi, mgl kej; j¾Okh lsÍug iy m%;sYla;slrKh j¾Okh lsrSug WmldÍ fõ
fõ fm%daàk we,aìhqñka uÜgu by< kexùug iy m%;sYla;slrKh j¾Okh lsrSug WmldÍ fõ
fõ fm%daàk iy flaiSka iïñY%Kh fõ.j;a iy l,amj;sk fm%daàk ixiaf,aIKhla ks¾udKh lsÍu
ldfndyhsfâ%g m%Njhla f,i fuda,afgdafvlaiaá%ka myiqfjka Èh fjk iq¨ nj iy wjfYdaIKh ^WKq c,h fkdjk& fõ. fïofha iy fm%daàk j, mj;sk ;s;a; rih wju lsÍu
i;a;j fïofhka f;dr fõ fudfkdawkaieÑhqf¾gâ fïo wï, iy fmd,swkaaieÑhqf¾gâ fïo wï, iy uOHu m%udKfha g%hs.a,sirhsv j,ska wkQk jk w;ru ieÑhqf¾gâ fyj;a ix;Dma; fïo wï, j,g jvd wkaieÑhqf¾gâ fïo wï, m%udKh fo.=Khla muK wvx.= fõ
úgñka iy Lksc mod¾: iïñY%Kh m%;sYla;slrK moaO;sh j¾Okh lsrSug WmldÍ fõ
>k;ajh 1.0 kcal/mL k, wdOdrfhka jqjo ,nd Èh yel
wju Tiafud,e,sá w.h

(478 mOsm/kg)

Nhdkl m%;sM, ^mdpkh& j<lajhs



References :

1.Cereda E, Klersy C, Serioli M, Crespi A, D’Adrea F. A nutritional formula enriched with arginine, zinc, and antioxidants for the healing of pressure ulcers . Ann Intern Med. 2015;162:167-74.

2.Lin YM, Wang M, Sun NX, Liu YY, Yin TF, Chen C. Screening and application of nutritional support in elderly hospitalized patients of a tertiary care hospital in China. [Internet]. [cited 2020 May 5th]. Available from:

3.Manasek V, Bezdek K, Foltys A, Klos K, Smitka J, Smehlik D. The impact of high protein nutritional support on clinical outcomes and treatment costs of patient with colorectal surgery. Klin Onkol. 2016;29(5):351-7.

4.PEPTISOL[Product Information] Jakarta. Indonesia. PT Kalbe Farma Tbk; 2020

5.Yeung SE, Hilkewich L, Gillis C, Heine JA, Fenton TR. Protein intakes are associated with reduced length of stay: a comparison between Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) and conventional care after elective colorectal surgery. [Internet]. [cited 2020 Oct 22nd]. Available from:


fmmaáfid,a wdydr ,nd §fï wkqu; k, ud¾.hlska fyda idudkH f,i uqLdOdrfhka fyda ,nd .; yel.

  • idudkH f,i uqLdOdrfhka fmmaáfid,a ,nd .ekSu  –  ñ,s,Sgr 250 l m%udKhla idod .ekSu i|yd WKq c,h ñ,s,Sgr 200 lg fmmaáfid,a .%Eï 63 l tla iefIa melÜgqjla ñY% lr Èh lr .kak. fi,aishia wxYl 60 jvd jeä WIaK;ajhka hgf;a WKq lr .ekSu fyda msi .ekSfuka fuys wvx.= jk fm%daàk ix>gl úkdY ù hd yel.
  • wkqu; k, ud¾.hlska ,nd §u  –  fï i|yd ffjoH Wmfoia wkq.ukh lrkak
  • fjk;a wdldr Tiafia ,nd .ekSfuka je<lsh hq;=h

Nutrition Fact

fuu fmdaIKSh mdkfhys ñ,s ,Sgr 1 g lsf,dale,ß 1.0 l w;HdjYh by< fm%daàk w.hka, úgñka j¾. 10 l iy Lksc j¾. 08 l fmdaIKh wvx.= fõ.

fmdaIH mod¾: tallh tla jrlg ,efnk m%udKh ffoksl m%;sY;h
le,ß lsf,dale,ß 250
    fïofhka ,efnk le,ß lsf,dale,ß 25
uq¿ fïoh .%Eï 3 4%
fudfkdawkaieÑhqf¾gâ fïo wï,h .%Eï 1
fmd,swkaieÑhqf¾gâ fïo wï,h .%Eï 0.5
g%dkaia fïo wï,h .%Eï 0
fldf,iagfrda,a ñ,s.%Eï 5 2%
ix;Dma; fïoh .%Eï 1 5%
fm%daàk .%Eï 14 23%
uq¿ ldfndayhsfâ%g .%Eï 43 13%
uq¿ iSkS .%Eï 12  
úgñka A uhsfl%d.%Eï 180 30%
úgñka B1 $;shñka ñ,s.%Eï 0.21 15%
úgñka B2 $rhsfnd*a,eúka ñ,s.%Eï 0.24 15%
úgñka B3 $ khiska ñ,s.%Eï 3 20%
úgñka B6 $msßfvdlaiska ñ,s.%Eï 0.39 30%
f*da,sla wï,h uhsfl%d.%E%ï 32 8%
úgñka B12 $fldn,ñka uhsfl%d.%E%ï 0.3 15%
úgñka C uhsfl%d.%E%ï 9 10%
úgñka D3 ñ,s.%Eï 0.9 6%
úgñka E ñ,s.%Eï 1.5 10%
Lksc j¾.
fidaähï ñ,s.%Eï 110 7%
fmdagEishï ñ,s.%Eï 130 3%
le,aishï ñ,s.%Eï 110 10%
ue.akSishï ñ,s.%Eï 70 20%
fmdiamria ñ,s.%Eï 140 20%
hlv ñ,s.%Eï 1.32 6%
whãka uhsfl%d.%E%ï 19 15%
iskala ñ,s.%Eï 2.6 20%


fuda,afgdafvlaiaá%ka, iqlafrdia, le,aishï flaisfkaÜ, taldnoaO fõ fm%daàk, t<j¿ f;,a l=vq , idkaø fõ fm%daàk, uOHu m%udKfha g%hs.a,hsirhsv, lD;su jeks,d rildrl, fidaähï fudfkdfmdiafmaÜ, fidaähï laf,darhsâ, fmdgEishï laf,darhsâ, ue.akSishï Tlaihsâ, iajNdúl wkkH;d lsß rildrl, úgñka iy Lksc ñY%Kh ^fidaähï weifldfíÜ, úgñka E, úgñka B3 ksfldákuhsâ , úgñka ta me,añfÜÜ, msßfvdlaiska yhsfv%dlaf,darhsâ, úgñka D3, ihfkdfldn,uhska, ;hñka yhsfv%dlaf,darhsâ rhsfnda*,eúka, f*da,sla wï,h, fmdgEishï whvhsâ, f*ria *quf¾Ü, iskala Tlaihsâ


újD; lrk ,o weiqreu isis,a úh<s msßisÿ ia:dkhl .nvd lrkak. weiqreu újD; l, Èk isg uila we;=,;§ Ndú; l< hq;=h.

Packaging & Flavor

tla weiqreul jeks,d rie;s fmdaIl msá .%Eï 189 l wvx.= fõ.

.%Eï 63 ne.ska jQ ;=ka jrla Ndú; l, yels iefIa melÜ 3la wvx.= fõ.


What is the content of PEPTISOL?
PEPTISOL is a special enteral nutrient for special condition such as post surgical recovery and convalescence, has a composition of 68% carbohydrates, 22% protein and 10% fat and completed with vitamins and minerals
How many calories are produced from PEPTISOL per serving?
PEPTISOL contains calories of 250 kcal / serving.
How many servings of PEPTISOL can be consumed per day ?
If as a substitute food, PEPTISOL can be given up to 6 times / day or adjusted to the needs and patient’s conditions. If as a complementary food can be given 2-3 times / day.
What is the calorie density of PEPTISOL?
The calorie density of PEPTISOL is 1.0 kcal/mL so that it can be given orally or tube feeding (the density does not exceed than 1.5).
What is the osmolality of PEPTISOL?
PEPTISOL osmolality is 440 mOsm / kg
When can PEPTISOL be used?
PEPTISOL can be given to surgical, infectious patient, and undernutrition patient without impaired kidney function
Can Peptibren be given to patient with impaired kidney function or impaired liver function ?
Special attention needed; especially for patients with impaired kidney function, where protein intake needs to be limited. But for patients with impaired liver function, Peptibren can be given with the supervision of a nutritionist.
How is the presentation of PEPTISOL?
Prepare 200 mL of warm boiled water with a temperature of <70 degrees Celsius then mix and stir until it is mixed homogeneously. Do not use hot water because it can damage the protein content.
How many times can PEPTISOL be consumed a day?
PEPTISOL if as a substitute food can be given up to 6 times / day or adjusted to the needs and conditions of the patient. If as a complementary meal can be given as much as 1-3 times / day.
Can PEPTISOL be combined with other enteral nutrients?
PEPTISOL can be combined with other enteral nutrients if needed, but the dissolution process should be done separately.
What is the preparation for NGT patients?
The same with oral preparations depends on how many calorie patient needs. It can be accepted for the tube feeding size: 16 – 18 gauge and put each scoops gradually (while stirring and mix until dissolve to avoid the granules) and make sure that the density does not exceed than 1.5 kcal/mL
Can PEPTISOL be given to patients with diabetes mellitus (DM)?
DM patients who are given PEPTISOL to always monitor their blood sugar levels in order to stay controlled. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the dose or adjust the type of diabetes medication so that the fulfillment of nutrition in DM patients is met.
What is the stability / method of storing PEPTISOL before it is dissolved?
The unlocked PEPTISOL lasts for 1 month as long as it stays in the aluminum bag. Store in a dry place with a temperature <25 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to move PEPTISOL into other places because it can interfere with its stability. If it is to be stored in a jar it should be together with the aluminum bag.
What is the stability / method of storing PEPTISOL after dissolving?
PEPTISOL which has been dissolved in 5 hours must be taken. If you have not finished drinking PEPTISOL can be stored in the refrigerator, only afterwards it is not recommended to be heated (Microwave).
What is the source of carbohydrates used in PEPTISOL?
Maltodextrin. Maltodextrin has the advantage of being easily absorbed so that it will optimize the formation of energy. Maltodextrin also dissolves easily, so the process of dissolving PEPTISOL does not need to use hot water. Maltodextrin can help give volume (solid builder) by drawing water from dried products. Maltodextrin has a sweeter taste than sugar but has less sugar content, and serves to mask the fishy taste of fat and the bitter taste of protein content.
Why in the composition it has sucrose and sucralose together, what is their function?
The combination of those two sugars are to complement each other since we can't use too much sucrose to sweet the product, so we use sucralose to give the sweeter taste. However we also can't use sucralose as a single sweetener since: 1) Too much sucralose gives unpleasant aftertaste and give bad effect risk for glycemic and insulin response. 2) Sucralose itself doesn't have calorie, since this product aimed to meet the daily calorie needs for CKD patient, so sucrose addition may give worthy contribution to the calorie. 3) Sucralose is needed to mask the bitter amino acid taste.
What type of protein is used in PEPTISOL?
PEPTISOL contains a combination of whey protein (concentrate and isolate) and casein. Whey protein is fast digesting protein, so it is quickly used for protein synthesis. Casein is a slow digesting protein, which has the advantage of being able to last longer so that it can take over protein synthesis in the body when whey protein levels have started to fall. The combination of these has benefit in creating faster and longer protein synthesis.
What is the source of fat used in PEPTISOL?
PEPTISOL is used vegetable fats which are rich in MUFA and PUFA, MCT, and also the content of unsaturated fatty acids higher (twice higher) than saturated fatty acids
Why should PEPTISOL not be dissolved in hot water?
When the protein is heated, the protein becomes clotted because the peptide bonds are destroyed by heat, because the middle group contains a positive charge and the carbonyl contains a negative charge whose kinetic increases when hot. After clotting, the peptidase enzyme can no longer work on the protein. The more peptide chains and the longer the structure, the greater the chance that the protein will be damaged by heat.
Is it possible to be given to diabetes patients?
PEPTISOL can be given to diabetes patients whose glucose levels have been controlled. The calorie concentration is not categorized as high, which is 1 kcal/mL. After PEPTISOL is given, as it is with nutritional therapy in general, glucose levels should be monitored accordingly.
What is the role of PEPTISOL as a food supplement or substitute?
Both. As a food supplement PEPTISOL can be consumed to meet the adequacy of protein and calories that are not met from the daily diet, as a substitute food PEPTISOL can be consumed if the patient is completely unable to eat.