jl=.vq wld¾hlaIu;djh iy mQ¾j vh,isia wjia:dfõ miqjk frda.Ska yg ksoka.; jl=.vq frda. we;s ùu wju lsÍu i|ydu iqúfYaIfhkau ilia lrk ,o uqLdOdrfhka iy k, wdOdrfhka jqjo Ndú; l, yels fmdaIK w;sf¾lhla f,i —fk*aßfida,a˜ yªkajd Èh yel
—fk*aßfida,a˜ ys wvx.= fmdaIH mod¾: (
ms,sld jeks ksoka .; frda. j,ska fmf<kakd jQ nyq;rhla jk frda.Ska uqyqK fokakd jQ wêl f,i nr wvq ùu fyj;a lDI;dj j<lajñka Tjqka fjkqfjkau iqúfYaIfhkau ilia lrk ,o Yla;sckl fmdaIK w;sf¾lhla f,i —kshqá%leka ˜ yªkajd Èh yel.
— kshqá%leka˜ ys wvx.= fmdaIH mod¾: (
ksoka.; wlaud frda. jeks frda.hka i|ydu úfYaIfhkau ilia lrk ,o fmdaIK w;sf¾lhls “fymgfida,a“ .
—fymgfida,a˜ ys wvx.= fmdaIH mod¾: (
fm%daàk w;HjYH;d ,nd §u i|ydu iqúfYaIfhkau ilia lrk ,o fm%daàk nyq, fmdaIK w;sf¾lhla f,i —fmmaáfid,a ˜ yªkajd Èh yel . mYapd;a ffY,H ld, iSudfõ§ iy fndajk frda. mj;sk wjia:djkayS§ YÍrhg w;HjYH id¾j fmdaIH mod¾:hla f,i fm%daàk ye`Èkaúh yel.
—fmmaáfida,a˜ ys wvx.= fmdaIH mod¾: (
Nephrisol is a specialized nutrition (oral nutritional supplement and tube feed) formulated to meet requirements for those with renal insufficiency, help delay CKD progression for patients on pre dialysis stage.
Nephrisol contains :
Nephrisol-D is a specialized nutrition formulated to meet the requirements for those with renal insufficiency in dialysis stage, to replenish protein loss during dialysis and prevent malnutrition.
Nephrisol-D contains :
Nutrican is a special nutrition with high energy for patient with special nutrition needs to help prevent severe weight loss (cachexia) in chronic disease patient, such as cancer, infectious, and surgical patient.
Nutrican contains :
Peptibren is a special nutrition with high energy for patient with special nutrition needs to improve brain health and prevent malnutrition.
Peptibren contains :
Hepatosol is a specialized nutrition formulated to meet the requirement for conditions such as chronic liver disease.
Hepatosol contains :
Peptisol is a special nutrition with high protein to support increasing protein needs. Protein is an important macronutrient required especially in conditions such as post surgical recovery and infectious
Peptisol contains :
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